Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Architecture Project Description

American History – Chicago Architecture Tour

Chicago underwent vast changes since the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 which forever altered the city’s landscape.  Your assignment is to research a significant building in the area of Chicago’s loop.  Your group will research and write a history of the building in the form of a blog post.  You will use photography to capture aspects of the building’s architecture.  This photography should complement the text of the blog post.  In addition to the writing and photography, your group will present the building to the class.   

The buildings will be
  • 190 South LaSalle (1991)
  • Chase Building (10 S. Dearborn)
  • Chicago Board of Trade (1930) (141 W. Jackson Blvd)
  • Citadel Center (2003) (131 S. Dearborn)
  • CNA building (333 S. Wabash)
  • Field Building (1930) (Now Bank of America Building 135 S. Lasalle)
  • Federal Center (1965 - 1975) (230 S. Dearborn)
  • Inland Steel Building (1965) (30 W. Monroe)
  • Marquette Building (1894) (140 S. Dearborn)
  • Monadnock Building (1893) (53 W. Jackson Blvd)
  • Rookery (1886)  (209 S. Lasalle)
  • Sullivan Center (1899)  (1 S. State)

This paper needs to be typed out in google docs and finalized before the essay is entered into the architecture blog.  Your typed essay needs to be 2.5 to 4 pages double spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font with standard 1 inch borders.  You will type the presentation in google docs and share that with Mr. Wehrmann at wehrmann.ihs@gmail.com.  After your group completes a rough draft you will revise each other’s sections with the peer revision sheet.  Mr. Wehrmann will also make comments and suggestions before your final draft is complete.  Once the final draft is complete you will post your essay as a part of the architectural blog.  This blog post should include the essay and accompanying photos.  You will also present this building to the class.  Your group can decide to present your material in class or at the building’s location.

You will be graded by your teacher on the daily work and the finished project.  You will be graded by each other on your personal contribution to the project.  Each project will therefore be comprised of both an individual and group grade.  

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